Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scotty Doesn't Know

"you wake up with a chip that says Four Weeks Sober" - Zuko
"Four weeks without cheating" Kadon
"Four week Celebacy chip" Ioni
"I wouldn't go that far" Kadon
"Four weeks without Herpes!" Zuko

"You could throw the war strider at things" Zuko
"Oh the small little things" Kadon
"I'm a little ashamed that I didn't think of that first" Mnemia
"I know physics takes a back seat in this game, but.... " GM

"This creation will have hookers and blackjack. Forget the blackjack..... and creation" Zuko

Upon finding the name of a ship is The Drunken Whore - "Ioni, your brothers know you so well" Kadon

"I want to tar and feather someone" Ioni
"God you have strange hobbies" Kadon

"Them boys is misticated!" Kadon

"Scotty will not like you" GM
"Scotty doesn't know" Ioni
"Excuse me, did you just say Scotty doesn't know?" Kadon
"yes" Ioni
"I fully endorse this, even though that song will be stuck in my head for days" Kadon

"When we take over this ship I want to name it Galactic Prophilactic" Zuko

"Kadon, I found smarty smart bits." Zuko
"You couldn't find your smarty smart bits with both hands and a flashlight." Kadon
"Yeah, but your mom could!" Zuko

"YOU ARE THE WORST PARTY FACE EVER!" Zuko to Ioni after her demeaning rant to the villain.

Upon a villain sending a messenger to indoctrinate them.
"I call dibs on castration them.... wait, wrong verb tense... castrating." Ioni
"I second Zuko here, WORST PARTY FACE EVER!" Kadon

"Why don't we have Ioni ask nicely?" Zuko
"That is not your cue to sleep with them." Kadon

"10 dice, double botch, but luckily, six successes" Zuko

"I'd like to fuck your buckets" Zuko to Kadon

Saturday, April 23, 2011

heroes fail resolve

"yes, paying to have your computer acquire sentience. When judgement day happens, I'm blaming YOU, GM." Zuko

"Essence stealing... dildos.." Zuko
"Its like a re-charger, only its not" Kadon

"Wait, just so I have this right, he is after Ioni with Kadon as a runner up." Mnemia
"To be fair, Kadon does have the male equivalent of the sexy librarian." Zuko

"As you're going back, you notice 2 seperate things" GM
"Okay, how many diseases does he have and is it syphillis? Oh well, I'll go suck on Scarlet for a while." Ioni
"Hah! Hey Zuko, I did a dirty man last night, can I go suck on your wife for a bit?" Mnemia

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mnemia v. Zuko..... who wins?

"Okay I'm generating a random name for this guy... Ashfinger" -- GM
"AssFinger it is." --Zuko
"No that's not what I-" --GM
"AssFinger GM, It's happening. Accept it"--Zuko
"Seriously, How did you NOT see this coming?" -- Mnemia

"that is tiny! We could nuke this easily" Zuko regarding destruction of a portion of nexus

"And that, for those of you at home, was a can opener" Kadon

"I was busy stealing the sun!" Zuko
"That is no excuse for shoddy security" Kadon

"You didn't know the ash to ass ratio?" Ioni
"Damn you" GM
"Cuz that pokemon hunter really gets the girls" Zuko

"So, you're saying thorn-dokken?" Zuko

"So he threw a tumbleweed?" Mnemia

"Zuko will ask Mnemia, do we want any alive?" Zuko
"I don't do alive very well." Mnemia

"Oh FFS.... You're an ass... I don't get to kill ANYTHING!" Zuko

"Did someone just zip up their pants by the mic?" GM

"See, I just don't do good when they are supposed to live through the process" Mnemia

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Training wheels

"Your internet has training wheels" Zuko
"Harley Quinn is NOT a clown" Kadon
"Wow, there's some anger there. Now I'm picturing Kadon and the Joker going at each other." Gm
"Some ones kitty is getting very excited" GM
"No, I'm pretty sure he is getting visions." Kadon

'The Bazooka does bashing damage" Mnemia

"You combo'd? Against mortals?" Zuko
"I wanted to make sure they went down!" Mnemia

"28 points of damage doesn't seem like pulling a blow" GM
"No, its just making sure" Mnemia

"what is that humming noise?" GM
"Is everyone here?" Zuko
"Yup!" Mnemia
"It's Kadon! Did he fall asleep? Oh fuck it, I'm calling him" Zuko

"I will strap Kadon to my back like a Yoda if I must." Zuko

"And by the way, I am not above teleporting my ass to safety and leaving Kadon there" Zuko

"What are you feeding it?" Zuko
"You have a dozen stealth charms! Use them!" Kadon
"I wanna go by the rules!" Zuko
"In fact, she's asked the cook to make her some popcorn to listen to the radio show" GM
"Is this the Look-shy Home Companion" Kadon
"Listen to Lake Lookshy-begone, where the men are all dragon-blooded, the women are crazy and the children all drive mech-warriors" Zuko