"It's gender is Oreo" GM
"Its sexual preference is Oreo. Double Stuff?" Linguini
"Oh it'll be triple stuff when I am done with it" Oreo
"Here in Kumkwat Siesta we live a simple life of farming the cotton candy lima bean." GM
"How do you mispell lima bean?" GM
"Limba bean" Linguini
"Fuck it, they are limba beans!" GM
"Hello, I am with the Jesuit Priest Order here to spread the word about the Yellow Sponge Cake and Cream Filling God?" Oreo
"No no no! I want to roll these ones!" Linguini
'What the hell was that?" GM
"The next time I rolled d6 I wanted to use these cute ones" Linguini
"I like your sponge" Linguini
"Yeah baby!" GM
"It's textured for your pleasure" Oreo
"You are carrying my generator with 8 hours of fuel. *silence*.... Let me put it this way, you have a giant gas can on your back" Oreo
"I am going to SCIENCE THE GENERATOR!" Linguini
The gelatenous cube may die" Oreo
"Starting... to.... harden!" Linguini
"Not in a gay way, but in a jizz drizzling down your chin way" Gooey McSticky Pants
"If I already shoot out sticky goo, can I weild a dildo?" Gooey McSticky Pants on his 2 handed melee weapon of choice.
"Can I throw vomiting puppies?" Gooey McSticky Pants
"How large are the puppies? St. Bernard puppies or little chihuahua puppies?" GM
"Oh, St. Bernard" Gooey McSticky Pants
"So, my name's Gooey McStickypants. He has a small fiber problem." Gooey McSticky Pants
"I shove Linguini's hand down his pants" Oreo
"You do so, and you light Linguini's hand on fire. Linguini will wake up with a burning sensation in his pants" GM
"I will say, yo home-slice whats happening? I am a black spider" Gooey McSticky Pants
"Brian needs very little practice with the sticky web" GM
Exalted Quotes:
"I am trying to decide how sad that is" Zuko
"I am pretty sure sadder things have happened, but not many" Kadon
"So just the computer/fap chamber is shared" Kadon
"They are towing your apartment" Kadon
"So its like Inception" Zuko
"I have not seen Inception yet" GM
"Neptune is like a tacticle Nuke - if she dreams of someone dying" Mnemia
"Will we have to larceny that one too?" Zuko on giving birth to a planet
"Whats GM looking up now?" Zuko
"The Clit" Ioni
"Its capable of swallowing people whole" GM
"For the record we made a clit joke" Zuko
"Fun fact if this creature eat you, you will wash up on the Blessed Isle" GM
"...Or someone stole it" GM
"Fuck you! for the record, I was doing good for once" Zuko
"I have a tiara of doom!" Ioni
"For the record, I am picking up swarm-culling instinct" Zuko
"Which does what in real life?" GM
"I will tell you later so you can cry" Zuko
"Right now, I'm calling him the Stranger" GM
"Stranger Danger!" Ioni
"Help, I need an adult!" Zuko
"I hate you guys" GM
"So he is what happens when you masturbate with the other hand" Zuko
"Does sex count as a join battle?" Zuko
"Only if its a virgin" Ioni
"If a lunar sleeps with a mouse of the unconquered sun what kind of child will they have?" Kadon
"Oh, I will have beef ribs for that. I will violate my no meat rule for that" Zuko
Best Idea ever! Katamari ball all the evil NPCs
"Kadon is crying twin waterfalls of sadness" Zuko
"I have this image of a great whale appearing above the city and belly flopping into it" GM
"Just to be clear, Ioni's skipping and pigtails already sends the GM into the gutter" Zuko
"Zuko is desperately hiding out of sigh so he doesn't shank the Pelican" Zuko
"The Pelican thinks the boat is rather odd and starts wandering over there" GM
"Mr. Pelican can I get you some food" Ioni immediately - the group starts cracking up.
"When the Pelican eats your arm, it will not be on us!" Kadon as Ioni continues to try and feed the Pelican which is really the Lunar Leviathan.
"I have finally decided how to deal with you, Ioni. Leviathan thinks you're a child." GM
"A solar child to be educated and trained. He is going to kidnap you" Kadon
"Oh, I'll educate him on the Kama Sutra" Ioni
"Thats not the response one usually takes to a kidnapping" Kadon
"If there are no ships to save, how would you like to save creation?" Zuko
"Well, since all my stuff is here...." GM