Saturday, March 16, 2019

It didn't have to be said, but it was.

Kadon: There are things he'd like to forget that he can't.

Ioni: I can't see as well as you can.
Mnemia: If you can't see as well as me, you're in trouble.
Ioni: I get distracted.  There's too much information around.
Mnemia: Mnemia is blind.
Ioni: Fine, what do your elf ears hear, Mnemia?  Can you hear a head attached to that person.
Mnemia: Don't get snippy with me.

Mnemia: So we can't go down there and just shoot him in the head and progress.

Ioni:  Ioni will jump out as long as its safe enough to not kill herself on the way down.

Ioni: What…  there's a whole subject noun verb thing going on that conveys meaning.  Finish the sentence.
Kadon: Jesus, Ioni is giving grammar lessons. 

Kadon: Look, Vampire guy.. What is your malfunction.

GM: Yeah, disappointed and with a touch of "you're teasing me"
Ioni: Yeah, you just went with 'just the tip'

Mnemia: if we have to make a roll with normal dice… god I feel dirty saying that… someone's going to fuck it up.

GM:  Ok but first I just wanna check something for a moment.  Because we haven't heard from him for a while.  Kadon, are you muted?
Kadon: GODDAMMIT!  I don't even remember what I was saying… God… Fucking fuck..