Monday, July 04, 2011


"Sneaky stuff, which means Zuko must do it all." Mnemia

"At the moment, we have a fuckacolypse" Menmia

"It's a reflexive charm" Zuko
"He flurried it" Kadon
"Bitch" Zuko

"They are probably flying Valencia colors. We are not that retarded" Zuko
"Wait wait ..... say that again?" Mnemia

"I don't want one position, I want ALL POSITIONS!" Kadon

"GM would never hurt the hot librarian" Zuko

"Well, GM has specific fantasies of a librarian" Zuko
"In a coma.... so she just lies there" Ioni

"How do you guy proceed in Diamond Hearth" GM
"Start handing out condoms to all the librarians" Ioni

Regarding a video game and how good it was, with the response that no gamer wants to admit to-
"No" Mnemia immediately
"Tolerable" Zuko hot on his heels

"So no on the first age city" GM
"Yes on the First Age army!" Ioni

"Thats why I cam home early last night. I didn't want to babysit" Zuko

"I'm making consolation prizes" Kadon

"Why do I get the feeling we sent them to a meat grinder?" Ioni
"I point to Mnemia" ____?

"Kadon has successfully shaved his chesthair into Cthulu" Zuko

"And now I will lead you to the dildonator" Zuko

"24 damage on 67 dice is lame" Mnemia

"Are you going to cleave?" Ioni
"Teleportation via mook" Zuko

"Let's leave Zis and the weasel to guard them!" Zuko
"If we leave them, the cultists will be dead!" Mnemia
"That's the point" Ioni

In the midst of a hawaii trip reminiscing by Kadon
"Did you do the Hula?" Ioni
"Okay, we're done here" Kadon

"I talk to the weasel and tell it about the benefits of being a vegetarian" Zuko

"When you last saw him, he was not a slave" GM
"ITS GAVIN!" Zuko, way too happy
"No...." GM

"Maybe we should listen to see how twisted this bitch is" Zuko while Ioni had to in character do a discussion with a slaver
"Which bitch?" Ioni
"Ioni!" Zuko

"He hates houses" Mnemia on Zuko dealing 58 points of damage to a house

"We just left the ocean, why the fuck would you need a pool?" Zuko
"Cooling off the weasel" Ioni
"Oh, the ice that you serve with the drinks sometimes has white fuzz on it" GM

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