Not one of the players is of that bent. Instead these are wonderful guys, who just like to make jokes and sometimes they get a little dirty.
"Austin is like Atlanta is to Georgia" Toshiro
"Alot of my relatives are of the belief that I have turned more liberal for living in Wisconsin and going to college" Tamiko
"That is one gene pool that I do not want to take a dip in" Tamiko after being referenced to taping Palin.
"Please die in a fucking fire" Engeiko
"And now I have explained the joke and it is now ruined, fuck you Tamiko" Engeiko
"Depending on the day of the week, I WANT TO FUCKING STAB PEOPLE" Engeiko
"Why did you use up all your spells?" Toshiro
"Because there is a fucking ONI!" Tamiko
"As far as reasons go, that is pretty good" Engeiko
"Isn't that why you have a sword?" Toshiro
"So Galby, what can you do?" Engeiko
"Its good we all invested in willpower" Taro
"TOTALLY! It's amazing! I should lay off the sugar" GM
"Does Tamiko gets his spells back?" Toshiro
"You better not!" Tamiko
"Listen, its only after the 6th drink...." Toshiro
"Fuck this game!" Taro's mantra
"That would be hot if a chick said that at climax - KADOOM! Quest Complete" Toshiro
"Toshiro is trying to liquor me up, so you guys get more xp and loot" GM
"Like that has ever helped us before" Taro
"Hey, I will play me own lechery, thank you" Toshiro
"You obviously weren't playing it hard enough" Engeiko
"Lezzing out" Toshiro
"You are obsessed with lezzing out!" GM
"Men are built to be functional and utilitarian. They are built for one thing. Women are built to attract the men. One woman is art. Two women are an art gallery" Toshiro
"Remember you can hide pieces in your boobs" Toshiro
"Wait, courtier? LETS GET ENGEIKO IN THERE!" Toshiro
"That is when he learned his vagina was poisoned" Toshiro
"If he used the tetsubo as a golf club." Taro
"Get some good air time" Toshiro
"Why is Tamiko keep going South?" GM
"I really don't think its your place to talk!" Tamiko
"Dammit! Don't stand there you clown dick!" Engeiko
"While he is drawing attention, I will move up to club the next one" Taro
"Don't burn down the warehouse" Toshiro
"Hey, I haven't done that yet." Tamiko
"Because the GM told you not to" GM
"No... that's not it" Tamiko
"Because your party betters told you not to" Toshiro
"I'm going to sneak attack with a tetsubo" Taro
"Dash, do you want to go? You don't have to go. You don't have to double spear the two guys" GM
"Whatever, I shoot the guy" Engeiko
"From the shadows, you hear, sneak attack bitch" Engeiko
"You have a sword, GET IN HERE!" Taro
"But... NO!" Tamiko
"I see me underneath Taro" Toshiro
"Samurai for the ethical treatment of Oni!" Taro
"Until he took an arrow to the motherfucking knee. BOTH OF THEM!" Engeiko
"DAMMIT!" as his first try kills the NPC
"No, I want some answers tonight" Tamiko
"Whats it going to take to break the door?" Toshiro
"Strength 4" GM
"What is it going to take the break the wall?" Toshiro
"Strength of 4" GM
"Well, fuck it, I'm out" Toshiro
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