Monday, May 07, 2012

What is it Lassie? Did Timmy fall down the well?

"For the record, I am all for Sora fucking software jokes, but Skype really is a bitch.  It's programmed in." Alcyone

"But nothing bad has happened in 4 years here."  GM
"But I am here now, and I will fix that!" Kai
"Kai, did you take Wrath of the GM?" Ariko
"Nope!  I don't have to, to fuck things up for ya" Kai

"To stop Sensei's wandering hands..." Ariko
"That's if you want to." GM
"Wait, as little girls we want to be felt up?!" Kai
"I was looking at Sora." GM

"Kai, you're helping.  Please, shut up!" Alcyone during Kai's helpful non-help.

"Of course, that may have got the GM worked up.  He may have had to go blow up his doll and put his lo-mein on it."  Alcyone
"Did you say Lo-Mein or Little Man?" Ariko
"Both."  Alcyone

"Mmmm... Pot Stickers." GM
"Mmmm... Plot Stickers" Ariko

"Kai's going to clap both hands over her mouth and start bouncing up and down, trying to contain herself."  Kai
"Does anyone have a ball we could throw for Kai?" Alcyone
"What is it Lassie?  Did Timmy fall down the well?"  Sora

"Perception plus Social."  GM
"7" Kai
"10!  You don't out socialize me!  Take your 7 successes on 7 dice to the corner of 2nd place and stay there!" Alcyone

"I turn on Essence Sight.  [..]  Am I capable of seeing Kai's brain?"  Ariko
"If you have a magnifying glass."  GM

"Since your character is still a dude, do you just stare at yourself, Sora?" Ariko

"Roll perception plus socialize!" GM
"8!  I rolled more than Alcyone finally!" Kai
"And it only took four 10s."  Alcyone
"What the fuck is up with your dice roller, Kai?" Ariko

"Wait, what was all false alarm?" GM
"Cat throwing up." Sora
"Ahh, it can't deep throat well."  GM

"Sora turns bright red and tried not to listen."  Sora
"Oh no, they got Sora again!" Ariko on the panty thieves.

"Because I know that Sora's room mate is a pantie pervert, we know this whole thing is a sham."  Alcyone
"Wait, what?" Sora
"Way to believe your own propaganda, Sora" GM

"Well, maybe you could have the Drama teacher guide the Librarian."  Sora suggesting on how to get the Librarian with the Occult teacher.
"No... no.  As the one female of this group, I'm telling you that won't work."  Kai
"Women are terrible people."  Ariko
"I have to second that."  Kai

"I will totally become this school's pimp-tress"  Ariko
"At 11 years old!" GM

"I've got to say, Sora, you play a teenage girl very well, because everything is about you."  Ariko

"How the fuck.." Sora
"Well, when the teachers like each other they.." Ariko
"NO!" Sora

"Have you seen how hot Sora is?"  Ariko referring to the character as the player's name.
"No." Alcyone
"I'll take phrases I never thought I'd say for 500."  Ariko

"Why don't you just lock them in a room for 3 days, with food and then they click, and the are together. [...] I was more or less going for the prisoner syndrome."  Kai
"Stockholm's?"  Alcyone
"Yes!" Kai
"I don't think you know what Stockholm's is."  Ariko

"What?  Escalation is the only option!" Alcyone
"How have we gone nuclear?" Ariko

"So, what we want is a Clanaad polygon, not a Shuffle polygon......  If we have a Tenchi polygon here, people are really going to get hurt."  Alcyone

"We have been playing the game for 3 sessions now?  We really have too many botches.  We have to rethink our approach."  Alcyone
"I push a button and it goes!" Sora
"Stop pushing buttons!" Alcyone

"Kai, I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish.  This is just ridiculous."  GM
"That's what I'm going for.  Ridiculous."  Kai
"Honestly, there is no rhyme or reason to this woman."  Ariko

"I sense a chastity clause, I'm out!" Alcyone

"No, she wants johnny.  There is probably something about Johnny she likes." Ariko
"Probably his huge throbbing cock." Kai
"Thank you Kai.  If it weren't for you, this stuff would never be said."  GM

"So Dexterity plus Walk, is that an appropriate roll?"  Alcyone on how to walk in platform high-heels.

"Damn GM, you are pervy.  You mad lace them up sound pervy."  Ariko

"Tonsil hockey is a specialty?"  Alcyone

"Alcyone will promise to look into it, take the note and never look into it."  Alcyone

"Sora... All he has to teach her..."  Ariko when defining what Johnny must teach Sora.
"Please don't phrase it like that!" Sora
"Please phrase it like that!" Alcyone

"You got the part Sora, Lyns will be sticking her tongue down your throat multiple times in the coming week."  GM
"Who is the understudy?  Say its a dude... Say its a dude!"  Ariko
".... Sure..." GM
"Good!  Sora has to practice with the understudy too."  Ariko

"And if turned upside down, you see it looks like two breasts."  GM
"Okay, what did I miss?" Sora
"You got knocked up."  Ariko
"Oh yeah, you forgot you were pregnant."  Kai

"Do Sora's shoes ever appear in her closet?"  Sora
"No" GM
"Apparently there is quite a foot fetish at this school."  Alcyone

"So dressing like a stripper is okay, but dressing like a prostitute is not?" Alcyone

"Still at the end of the day, he is a fucking demon!" Sora
"Well he would like to be fucking."  Kai
"To be fair, you did walk into that one."  Alcyone

"Kai, you're a teenage girl.  Not a teenage girl retard."  Ariko

"Kai, I'll tell you a secret."  Alcyone
"I'll keep it in the vault just like the tests."  Kai
"Okay, now what lie do I tell her..  Kai, you saw Akito behind the pillar, and what does that tell you about Akito?" Alcyone
"That is he is a very sucky ninja."  Kai firmly.
"Kai, go to your room."  Alcyone.

Kai burps.
"It'd be nice to know how to do that."  Sora
"Drink beer."  Kai
"Thanks Kai." Sora
"Have sex with goats, drink more beer."  Ariko

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