Wednesday, December 05, 2012

That would liquify most people!

"Last week on Desperate Housewives: The Exalted edition!" Ioni
"I would think if we were actually the Exalted Desperate Housewives, there'd be a lot more sex and a lot more adultery." GM
"I can only do so much." Ioni
"I meant with the main characters." GM
"I think you mean 'so many'." Kadon
"After a while, it just becomes 'much'." Ioni
"I see, lovers by volume?" Kadon
"Pretty much.  Soon I will have it all streamlined so it's gonna be like a conveyor belt manufacturing of it all."  Ioni

"I guess we will start with Mr. Mnemia and Mrs. Ioni." GM
"When did I get married?" Ioni
"Miss?" GM
"When did Mnemia!?" Zuko
"Ioni wasn't supposed to know, but we can't deny our love any more." Mnemia
"Time to give it up, Ioni." Zuko
"She who will kick all of our asses will kill me!" Ioni
"No no, you're learning to kickbox too.... Mnemia will have a fighting harem." Zuko
"No no no.  I'm not going to be a party to this." Ioni

"I believe the response to that is 'the brain you are looking for is not here'.  Mnemia won't with hold anything but chances are she doesn't know what they want."  Mnemia
"It'd be funnier if you just went 'what was what?'" Zuko

"Dud I saw that sky light and thought I had to drop through that sky light and kill everyone at the bottom.  Didn't care who was at the bottom just had to drop through it."  Mnemia
"Sure worked out good for you guys, huh?" Zuko
"Lucky you." Mnemia

"Mnemia will be helpful.  Just a smart ass about it."  Mnemia

"Most of the stuff you've done in Nexus with Ioni is usually because of Ioni."  GM
"If they don't know who Ioni is then their information network is in drastic need of an overhaul."  Mnemia

"If they're 'meh' with us, you need to fix that.  They need to be 'yessir, right away sir' with us." Mnemia
"Yeah, got a point."  Zuko
"Are you sure you want them to be like that, especially when we have dopplegangers?  That apparently can cut through bureaucracy like no other?" Ioni
"Shut the hell up, Ioni!" GM

"Choking hazard for children under four."  GM
"Ioni will state that."  Ioni
"Let Mnemia have one." Zuko
"Choke her kids with it?" Mnemia
"They are not under 4 anymore."  Ioni
"I'm sure she can get it down there nice and tight." Mnemia

"When you open the box, you're going to see parts.  You're gonna see a single large thing with a picture of a puppy on it." GM
"Alright so this is a puppy.  This is the puppy."  Mnemia
"You don't see any other parts in there so it looks like a puppy." GM

"Just so I know what group of idiots you are cursing today." GM
"The fact that we have to have a discussion of which group of idiots we're referring to..." Zuko

"If they were looking for squirrel girls and they stumbled onto Scarlet, there is a moderate chance they got confused." Zuko
"Maybe..." Kadon
"If your instructions are 'go get the Squirrel Girls' and you stumble on a Scarlet and you're like okay *hit it* and it got back up and your programming went, wait... what the fuck..." Zuko

"The box is sealed, you bring them the box, you begin medical treatment.  It does not take them long before they ask you what they should be doing with this thing." GM
"Have they done anything with them yet?" Kadon
"You only turned your back on them a second but they are holding a pig." GM
"Nice..." Ioni
"Well done." Kadon
"What the fuck was JahJah doing?" Zuko
"They took it out of the box." GM
"She loved fuckin' pigs." Mnemia
"They took it out of the box...." Kadon
"The phrase, I check it over to make sure it hasn't been tampered with.." Zuko
"Would have involved looking in the fucking box!" Kadon

"Have these guys broken into my manse to put shit together?  To solve a fuckin' puzzle?!  Are they like 3!? I don't......" Kadon

"... meet up with Lucy and wreck her shit." Mnemia

"We need to get Luthe back, cuz it's ours." Mnemia
"You're like 2 years old.  MINE!" GM
"It's ours!  Lucy's a bitch." Mnemia
"If the option is us or that C___... It's US!" Zuko

"Now that I've had a drink of water and a piece of pizza in me, lets move on." GM
"So how's that nice greasy meat?" Ioni going for a dick joke
"It only has Canadian Bacon on it!  Cuz the rest of it is cheese, onions, green peppers and, uh...  brain is failing me... the greatest of vegetables - jalapenos - I think that is a vegetable.  I doubt it's a fruit, although... does have seeds... well so do vegetables.  I'm not sure which it is."  GM
"My brain hurts." Ioni

"She's pregnant." Zuko
"No, we are not having more Mnemia spawn!" Ioni
"Mnemia will ask Ophelia why ZIS is crying." Mnemia
"I'm still not sure why you people cry."  GM as Ophelia
"Is this crying thing going to get int eh way of you taking a boat?" Mnemia
"I hope not, otherwise I'll punch myself in the face.  By take a boat we're gonna have violence, right?"  GM as ZIS.
"There are 2 still left, yes." Mnemia
"Yay Violence!  Let's go!" GM as ZIS.

"Mnemia and ZIS are not volunteering anything yet.  Hopefully, Ophelia won't volunteer anything either." Mnemia
"I'm a primordial.. herp herp!" Kadon mimicking Ophelia
"If she does, maybe that will get us through customs faster." Mnemia
"Or they may think she's a crazy person." GM
"No more breaking clocks!" Mnemia

"Why do they want the Councils hole?" Zuko
"Dammit Zuko!  The whole council." GM
"Oh fuck you, I can't be the only person who heard that." Zuko
"You're not." Mnemia

"Mnemia is the least likely to convince anyone of doing anything, especially if hurting them doesn't help."  Mnemia

"So Ioni will pull up a chair and ask 'so what are you going to invade us with?  An army of ants?  Well ants can be terrifying... an army of flour?'  Yeah, Ioni will ask that." Ioni
"The good old Ioni strategy of confuse the hell out of them." GM
"Confuse the shit out of the GM and see what happens." Ioni

"ZIS kicked one of these guys into unconsciousness.  How nasty can they be?!" Mnemia
"Yes but that's a Solar!.... Celestial.... Abyssal... whatever.  Just because you don't give a shit about anything any more that's under Essence 3... doesn't mean the majority of people that live here don't..." GM

"I know Mnemia will shrug off a cannonball to the face.  Consider it a light breeze.  Most people, that will liquify!" GM

"And my entire unit one can go swimming in lava." Zuko
"It be useful!" Ioni
"I'm sure certain members of your party would be like, you want us to jump in the what!?" GM
"At which point I'd ask ZIS, 'can you please push them." Ioni
"But it's lava!" GM
"Smack Aboshi because apparently she hasn't trained these people enough to listen to what we have to say.  Then push."  Mnemia
"I believe GM said 'members of the party.'" Zuko
"Still smack Aboshi.  It's always a good option." Mnemia
"I agree, I'm just sayin' - I'm also trying to figure out which one he was referring to cuz Zuko's already to do something that stupid." Zuko

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