Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You have to be the furry next time

"So apparently next time on a game, uhm... Kazuko.." GM
"Yeah, Kazuko, you have to be the furry next time."  Danzo
"I have to what?"  Kazuko
"Well the way we figure it, I've done it, and Sanbi's done it, and Sora was a big enough whore where you could just assume also furry.  So really it's up to you."  Danzo

"Someone roll me a d10.  Even and I'm a total asshole." Danzo

"Look little girl, that there is your daddy. Oh look he got stabbed.  That's not your dad anymore." Kazuko
"Pretty much, and if they start crying, then I will tell them its the nature of the world and to get used to it.  Understand what went wrong and understand what you can do to fix it."  Danzo
"Punch 'em in the face and say, now you have a reason to cry." Kazuko
"Not THAT big of a dick."  Danzo

"Why do I have the feeling that Kazuko would be the best person to baby sit kids ever?" GM
"Your definition of best, and my definition of best are very different." Kazuko
"When you have kids, GM, I'm hiring Kazuko to baby sit your kids."  Danzo

"I'll pretend to care for about 15 minutes, then throw the book in a fire." Kazuko

"We're deputy Scorpions!"  Sanbi
"Oh fuck!  There's two points of honor right there.  Goddamn Scorpions, and their manipulation."  Danzo

"If I have to deal with this shit, you do too...  I just want to get back to the wall where it was normal to deal with 10 foot oni." Danzo

"I was thinking of becoming my own blissful betrothal." Danzomaru
"Typically they frown on that, but in the colonies you can give small children your name, and then technically you do become your own blissful betrothal." GM
"Oh god, GM if you do that, that would be amazing."  Danzomaru

"Here's a question then... What do we do when we catch him?" Hachiro
"Kill him." Kazuko and Danzomaru

"There is probably some sort of Kryptonite we are meant to find.  This is probably meant to cause the PCs to use a little caution here.  This is not the right group of PCs to threaten in such a fashion."  Kazuko
"What group of PC's are ever ever frightened." Hachiro
"Reasonable ones?" Kazuko

"I keep getting the feeling you're all trying to kill eachother at times." GM
"Nonesense."  Sanbi
"We're invincible if there is only one of us left."  Kazuko
"I see what you did there." Hachiro
"Go all Highlander in the session, whoever wins, wins the game." Kazuko

"We're marginally less poor!  Jade tea is also worth stocking.  Never know when we may have to stop .... taint." Kazuko

"Also, you're a fucking merchant!  Don't feel bad about what you do." Sanbi

"Oh the foxes will probably be put in boxes... Or overboard.  Whichever comes first." Danzo

"What's the word I am looking for?  Slightly molested chickens." Hachiro

"One of them wants toasted seaweed.  One of them wants something called candy.  One of them wants lots of ginger." GM
"Oh my god, you got them pregnant." Danzomaru
"Cuz foxes love ginger."  Kazuko

"Seven tentacles!"  Kazuko
"Well, if the crab wants tentacles, the crab wants tentacles."  GM

"How did Creature of Darkness go for ya?" Hachiro
"Oh god....  Oh..." Danzo
"I would like to remind you, you were the one who said the two of you had to watch it." Hachiro
"Doesn't matter.  Doesn't... matter.  Six or seven times, I said 'bitch, I'm never gonna forgive you for this.'  It's just awful."  Danzo

"Women who are involved with another guy are a turn off for me." Hachiro
"I'm sorry, did you say turn on?" Sanbi
"For the record, he said turn on!" Danzo
"I'm pretty sure he said on."  Kazuko

1 comment:

killervp said...

I am sooooo stealing this-
Someone roll me a d10. Even and I'm a total asshole.