Saturday, October 12, 2019

fuck this place... this place doesn't even want to help itself.

"So, the nephew is gonna kill the uncle and take over this place and he's compromised."  Olru
"Oh yeah... this whole city is disappointing me now."Leon

"Lady DD likes him." Zaphod
"If the boobs like him, he's ok." Olru

"so you go into the bank and what do you do." GM
"Do you guys have a coin counter thing?" Raz
"Fantasy coin star." Leon

"I'm on to the three maids instead of the drunken fish.  This seems a step up." Leon

"If you want to sit at the table with the rest of us, you need to see over the table....... Listen, this isn't the sort of place which has gum on the underside of the table for you to eat." Leon getting Zaphod a booster seat.

"How do even do a D3?" Zaphod
"D6 divided by two."  GM and Olru
"Uh Zaphod... thats a d8." Leon

"So you kick me through and I'm mad.  Our people are dignifie.." Zaphod
"Can't stealth when you're talking." Olru
"I love that's a go to now." Leon

"It's just full of swollen wood.  Just stroke it a bit." Olru