Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ssssssssspank it.

"Yes, but where are you located..... California!" GM
"The proper answer to that is 'The Fourth Circle of Hell.'" Kazuko

"No, it's a plot hole, Hachiro.  It's a giant gaping ass of a plot hole." Kazuko
"It's Goatse-esque of a plot hole.' Sanbi

"It's an honorable quest for a samurai." GM
"Yea, we're in the neighborhood." Hachiro
"Not in particular!  Not a dishonorable quest, but not like its going to be amazing for us to do it.  It's a nice thing to do.  She also murdered a samurai so fuck this bitch." Danzomaru

"Alright, I have to ssssssspank it yet, damn." Hachiro
"Uhhhh-" Sanbi
"What?!" Danzomaru
"Bank. It.  Cuz I only have-" Hachiro
"That is not what you said! Just correct me if I'm wrong.  Anyone else?" Danzomaru
"You are not wrong." Sanbi
"You are not wrong." Kazuko
"God I hope GM has that recording.  I vote... we get that audio clip separated and god that's going to be fun." Danzomaru
"Good to have plans for the evening." Sanbi
"Oh Hachiro, I am sorry.  There are times I feel bad, but then you just make it so easy!" Danzomaru
"What did I miss?" GM
"Hachiro informed us that he didn't have enough XP, so he was going to have to spank it." Danzomaru

".. True.... I'm expecting a massive blood bath to compensate for it." GM
"Well put some pussy ronin in front of us!" Danzomaru
"You could have left out the ronin." Sanbi
"Well, you do have the weasels if you want just that." GM

"AFK while I do laundry" Hachiro
"Thought you were going to spank it later." Danzomaru
"Maybe he just wants to get a full load in..  Anyway.." GM
"God, GM." Sanbi

"I don't think Kazuko has ever fought a tiger before." Kazuko
"I thought that was traditional monk training.  Go to the mountains, fight a tiger with your bare hands..." Sanbi
"We say that, because it makes us seem more bad ass.  But it's actually a big pit of kittens and we just roll around in it." Kazuko
"Poor kittens." Sanbi

"I'd like to point out the Monk kicked it with his foot, I actually have a tool." Hachiro
"Do you have tool envy?" Kazuko
"Lets just say mine's bigger." Hachiro
"Considering my character, god I hope so." Kazuko

"God dude, how do you fuckin' attack... Fuck you Kazuko." Danzomaru looking at the rolls

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