Saturday, April 11, 2020

Keep up that social distancing and play D&D online!

"Is this a negotiation scenario?  Let's negotiate from a position of power.  This is a bang situation." The Roc

"This is not her first time with you fuckers." GM

"I don't know if Tijo likes it, but I don't know how he likes it." Lenore

"He is also prone if that makes a difference." GM
"Oh!  He's prone!  Lets fuck his shit up now." Lenore

"The last four books I've read were talking about the prisoners dilemma." Lenore
"What books are you reading?!" Velika

"See!?   That wasn't so bad, you guys didn't struggle." GM
"We didn't struggle, it was just annoying" The Roc

"Velika leans over to Lenore.... He is a gladiator?"  Velika
"Well he flexes all the time." Lenore
"But he's a bird...." Velika
"Is that a bird thing?!" Lenore
"I don't know!" Velika

"Butt match?  Was this a sex pit?" Velika
"I'm sure with all that mud, no one is sure what happened." Lenore

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