Saturday, February 22, 2020

I have a tally for shit I've killed and a tally for shit rolls.

"I have ended the lives of 13 things since we started that magic sword fight."  Tijo

"It's like having a living poop in you that moves around."  Velika on pregnancy

"There's almost an inhuman scream that reverberates from out of her."  GM
"Oh cool, like an angry pregnant lady"  Velika

"It's nice to know what caused this module.  My girlfriend caught me jerking off to this and it is slightly less shameful if it was for D&D."  Tijo
"Hush you." GM

"Tijo reached out and touched him in the no no."  GM
"He catholic priested him?" Velika   "Too soon?"
"No, its the fact that he touched a trumpian that way." Lenore

"That makes it worse.  A little blind groping down there.  Maybe a little left?  no..."  Lenore

"What the hell did you people do!?" GM

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